This is a delicious snack recipe, plantain are rich in fiber which can lower your choles...
Masala peanuts is a deep-fried snack very popular recipe in India. This makes a great mu...
A simple instant breakfast dish made with bread crumb, semolina suji and buttermilk....
These little banana tarts are one of the most popular Mauritian desserts. Mashed bananas ...
A unique kind of soup made with mushroom flavored with honey and serve with a french frie...
Looking for a different treatment for garden-fresh green beans.Try this stir-fried side d...
Garlic soup is a type of soup using garlic as a main ingredient. In Spanish cuisine. Learn the recipe of Garlic Soup by vahchef.
An easy garlic soup recipe that you thicken using bread. It has a smooth rich flavor and will definitely keep you allure more!!
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