A simple way of making chicken Kung Pao ( Indo-Chinese Style) with a nice sauce....
Sherva is a liquidy gravy made out of meat juices, thickened with locally available ingre...
This easy to make snack with chicken wings is an all time favorite of most of us and air ...
Thukpa is a popular soup in the northern Himalayan region of Nepal, Ladakhi Chicken Thukp...
Creamy chicken and mushroom baked is creating a quick and easy weeknight meal. Served ov...
Chicken Lollipop- Chicken Wings turned into Chicken Lollipops is an Indo Chinese dish and...
This is non-vegetarian recipe prepared with chicken, dark spices. Served as snack or with rice.
After a long day of working, there's something about throwing all ingredients into one pot and knowing that there will be a beautiful dish. This dish highlights the earthiness of summer's bountiful produce mixed with delightfully moist chicken.
About Recipe
Kodi vepudu, varuval, Muragira mansa Bhaja |