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Bhindi or okra is a delicious main course vegetable dish filled dry fruit and mixed with rice and can be served.
Rice is among the most favored food items consumed by many people. It's also an essential staple food that's broadly eaten in Asia. Rice is a flexible component that is simple to cook, can be produced like a main dish, side dish, delicacy or included into making some mouth-watering, delicious snack foods to accomplish a delectable and yummy food!
There are millions of people who require or adore consuming a range of quic... Read More..
About Recipe
Benda Kayi annam, Vendakai Vendai sooru, Dherasa Bhindi chal |
Rice is among the most favored food items consumed by many people. It's also an essential staple food that's broadly eaten in Asia. Rice is a flexible component that is simple to cook, can be produced like a main dish, side dish, delicacy or included into making some mouth-watering, delicious snack foods to accomplish a delectable and yummy food!
There are millions of people who require or adore consuming a range of quick to prepare and simple to ready fried rice. Fried rice is one kind of all-time, best convenience foods, which can be consumed by itself without having side dish or curry. They may be prepared added in a range of ingredients so it will be delicious.
Numerous favorite types of fried rice their very own particular list of ingredients. You may often include a number of veggie or non-vegetarian foods. You can also make a range of fried rice with rice, seasonings and meats like mutton, chicken, fish, shrimps or prawns. Many of these rice recipes are really simple to prepare and freshly made homemade meals are usually nutritious.
Some of the popular and fried rice recipes are listed here:
Fish Kedgeree Rice is nutritious meal made out of flaked smoked fish along with rice, spices, eggs, fresh herbs and cream.
Latha Thinakaran Posted on Wed Sep 23 2015
wonderful I have loved bhindi and this is a good change thanks?
Reply 0 - RepliesRenuka Kulkarni Posted on Sun Jun 05 2016
Tried the bindi rice it was a super duper hit. Thanks for the recipe?
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Sellathurai Kethavarajan Posted on Wed Sep 23 2015
your recipes are so good and very much helpful. We are enjoying your palak methi kumb almost every week.?
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