Crispy crunchy cauliflower can be served as a snack or side dish. It is very tasty and de...
Upma is a very common breakfast in south India but it's an innovation of making upma with...
this healthy and nutritious pulse and cereal mixed khichdi is made with left over millet...
Ideal for a weekday meal or Sunday brunch, this Parsi omelette is best served with a dash...
Smart and healthy use of leftover sorghum millet breads, made in to tasty umpa, best alte...
Ragi malt is delicious and nutritious recipe for four year babies to sixty year old age g...
The royal cuisine of Hyderabad is famous for its variety of kebabs. It is a spicy minced lamb kebabs with a soft center filling of yogurt, salt and onions.
About Recipe
Kukka godugu pakodi, Mushroom , samuka |