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Dal Maharani is the quintessential celebratory lentil for Northern India. Its silky consistency, tangy flavors.
Dal Makhani is actually a delicacy from Punjab in India. It is among the popular dish in North Indian Restaurants. Apart from India, Dal Makhani is favorite all over the world mainly because of its richness in flavor and nutrition. The essential ingredients in dal makhani are urad dal (whole black lentils) and rajma (red kidney beans), butter and cream. It's extremely creamy, rich, smooth and silky texture.
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About Recipe
Dal Makhani is actually a delicacy from Punjab in India. It is among the popular dish in North Indian Restaurants. Apart from India, Dal Makhani is favorite all over the world mainly because of its richness in flavor and nutrition. The essential ingredients in dal makhani are urad dal (whole black lentils) and rajma (red kidney beans), butter and cream. It's extremely creamy, rich, smooth and silky texture.
Traditionally this dal was cooked slowly, for a long time, on charcoal. This provided it a creamier texture. Fresh butter or fresh malai (cream) put into it. When cooked in the home nowadays, much more reasonable quantity of cream or butter are used.
When prepared in restaurants, it's cooked slowly on low heat and quite often has a lot of cream and butter added. Lentils and beans were soaked overnight for about 8 hrs. and delicately simmered on low heat in addition to ginger, garlic and several other. These are then put together with a tangy masala base which include onions, tomatoes (cut or puree) or dried mango powder or simply pomegranate seeds.
Dal makhani is popular in Delhi menus as a simple yet completing vegetarian food, it's really delicious-like a buttery bean chili, to tastes. It might be serve hot with tawa roti, naan, paratha or rice and also onion pieces as salad.
Nutritional Value of Dal Makhani:
This dal is loaded with starch and minerals, it's also considered heavy for digestion, on the other hand ginger solves this issue and makes it easy to digest. Use olive oil rather than ghee or butter and omit cream. Because this dish is full of proteins and fiber, it would often be the healthiest meal at your home too. Rajma and whole urad provide protein and calcium which are really important for maintenance of the body tissues and healthy bones. Cooking the dal in tomato purée adds a little bit sharpness to the dish as well as enriches it with folic acid and vitamin A.
You will find approx. 375 calories in 1 serving of homemade Dal Makhani which include 20% fat, 55% carbs, 20% protein.
Glowingmom08 Posted on Thu Jul 04 2013
You are amazing. Did u read my mind by any chance? U made two of my favorite daals. God bless.
Reply 0 - RepliesRimu Malhotra Posted on Thu Jul 11 2013
Dear chef it's really so nice and tempting, that i would luv to have with have with tandoori roti, Naan, or kulcha. Mostly whenever I go to posh restaraunt and have chicken, fish, or Paneer, or even dal it have peculiar taste or aroma which one
Reply 0 - RepliesTameTusker Silly Posted on Fri Jul 12 2013
Thanks...I tried this out and it came out awesome..some aroma!:):)
Reply 0 - RepliesNivedhanams Sowmya Posted on Tue Jul 23 2013
Made this and it was soo delicious... thanks for the awesome videos!!!
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kdhimaan Posted on Wed Jul 03 2013
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