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This is easy and kids special recipe and it is deliciously sophisticated dessert.
Coffee Mousse is light, fluffy, very refreshing, chilled and a perfectly sophisticated dessert dish Coffee Mousse is light, fluffy, very refreshing, ch... Read More..
About Recipe
Gruddu methai, Muttai inippu, Deem Misti |
Coffee Mousse is light, fluffy, very refreshing, chilled and a perfectly sophisticated dessert dish Coffee Mousse is light, fluffy, very refreshing, chilled and a perfectly sophisticated dessert dish to be served at the end of a romantic candlelight dinner. It has an exceptionally awesome coffee flavor to enjoy. Coffee Mousse delights the palates of anyone from kids to the oldies. They would just pounce over to grab in relishing this luscious delicacy which will keep them in high spirits. The coffee flavor is a complete combination of distinctive aromatic, is a fantastic fusion of body, bitterness, sweetness, acidity and the sweet aftertaste where no single flavor overpowers the other.
Coffee flavor when mixed in making desserts has a fruity essence, like the berries or citrus. Coffee is a healthy and flavorful addition to various desserts like chocolate cake, brownies, panna cotta etc. It adds an amazing rich flavor to most of the desserts without adding extra fat or calories. Recent research studies have shown that coffee have added health benefits such as protecting the heart, prevents risk of diabetes, dementia and Alzheimer’s disease. Ultimately the Coffee mousse is a fun-loving, easy to prepare dessert that kids too could give a hand on the preparation and presentation. Do try this recipe and delight your family with new twist in taste and flavor.
Recipe of Coffee Mousse:
This sweet dessert is a perfect dish to grace any festive occasion as it is quick and easy to make. It also brings a majestic unmatched joy of experiencing an exotic dessert using very few and simple ingredients mostly readily available in most kitchens. Working with gelatin is pretty straight but you need to follow few tips to get the dish right. Add the gelatin grains in little bit of water to bloom. When nicely soaked, it will look like an applesauce consistency and eventually set into solid if not used right away. Gelatin starts to work pretty quickly once it’s added into the recipe hence be sure you keep the moulds ready. Gelatin makes the texture less silky and slightly bouncier. Do try this salivating dessert recipe and enjoy the taste.
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Vidya Srinivasulu Posted on Wed Aug 12 2015
is egg required for this.? can I prepare without egg?
Reply 0 - Repliessushmitha sanjeev Posted on Sat Oct 24 2015
thank you for your simple recipes.....?
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Mrs.Vahchef Posted on Sat Mar 28 2015
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