Colocasia Lotus flax nuts curry is a delicious combination of 2 healthy vegetables (i.,e...
Any recipe made with eggplant taste good. Chutney made with brinjal different from other ...
Thotakura pulusu (stew) is a very simple and tasty dish spiced up with chillies and sweet...
Pumpkin masala is dish blended nicely with spices and besan flour (gram flour) to make a ...
Coastal fish fry one of the popular dish with unique spices flavored marinated fish to de...
An excellent and delicious Rajasthani vegetarian dish made with besan flour; dumplings co...
Chole Bhature is also know as chola poori, is a very popular Punjabi dish which is usually served as breakfast. This excellent dish delights you the most.
Chole Bhature, is a combination of chana masala and fried bread called bhatoora from India. This chole is a spicy curry made from white chickpeas where as Bhatura is a fried leavened bread.
About Recipe
vahuser Posted on Fri Feb 25 2011
how to prepare chola bhatura video
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