Sweet and hot stuffed French toast is an elegant twist on the classic recipe for breakfa...
Kalakand, an exquisite milk-based sweet preparation is an interesting process. Concentrat...
Besan rava ladoo is a delicious Indian recipe served as a dessert. Rava and chickpea flou...
Coconut Burfi a succulent, chewy Indian sweet delicacy made with coconut cooked in milk a...
Quick and easy to make, these pancakes are scrumptious as a main course, side dish or bru...
Banana milkshake is yet another popular milkshake. Make a blended drink with ripe plantai...
A basic chocolate concrete (or crunch as you may know it). Very easy to make. Learn the recipe of Chocolate Crunch by vahchef.
Make your own Chocolate Crunch Bars at home that are gluten free and vegan friendly!
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