Boondi Laddu is a delicious Indian sweet prepared for special festive occasions or serve ...
Jangri or Jhangri is also known as Imarti or Emarti in northern India. Made from urad dal...
This is kids favorite recipe, Mango crepe is delicious mango stuffing, garnished with car...
Buttermilk Raisin Walnut Muffins are soft, moist, and crunchy; flavored with buttermilk, ...
Panna cotta is an Italian dessert of sweetened cream thickened with gelatine and moulded....
Seethaphal Rabidi is a traditional indian dessert made with seasonal fresh custard. ...
Chocolate and coconut, in a wonderful cake! Learn the recipe of Chocolate Coconut Pecan Coffee Cake by vahchef.
The crumbly coconut-pecan mixture goes both inside the cake and on top of it to make this dessert.
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