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This is simple chilled masala tea, especially for hot summer season.
Chilled Masala Tea is a refreshing drink especially a pleasure to sip during hot summers This is a simple Chilled masala tea&nbs... Read More..
About Recipe
Chilled Masala Tea is a refreshing drink especially a pleasure to sip during hot summers This is a simple Chilled masala tea especially a pleasure to sip during hot summers. There are various ways of making a masala chai. The chilled masala tea is another variation for most of the tea addicts to beat the scorching heat and feel chilled and refreshing. Masala Chai literally means spiced tea, a beverage popular in Indian subcontinent made by brewing tea with a mixture of aromatic Indian spices and herbs.
Chilled Masala Tea is an awesome mix of crushed ginger, cardamom powder, tea powder sweetened with sugar and water which is boiled until the ingredients release their flavor and aroma. This is poured into a glass filled with crushed ice, topped with milkmaid and served chilled. The taste is extremely scintillating, soothing and striking to the palate. A perfect chilled beverage to thump the heat!
Ginger is a very popular ingredient in most Indian households. They are highly beneficial as it aid in digestion and reduce nausea. Ginger is added in various dishes. It is known to calm down and relax the stomach. Fresh crushed ginger when added into Masala tea brings out the pungent taste and gives a warmth effect. It is a very efficient spice with lots of medicinal properties especially in curing cough and cold. Each ingredient has its own characteristics thus making the Chilled masala tea highly appetizing and luscious to taste. This is very easy and can be prepared in a jiffy.
Do try this amazing variation and enjoy the summer sipping chilled stuff. Traditionally brewing tea is very easy and the process hardly takes time. Some of the spiced tea masalas are derived from Ayurvedic medical texts. As per Indian culture, Masala is termed for ‘a blend of spices’. It is one of the most traditional and treasured Indian beverage that is amazingly warming, aromatic, filled with zesty flavor and invigorating. Do try making this drink especially when it’s really hot and you will surely enjoy the flavors and taste making you feel refreshing and cool.
Happy Brewing! Do look out for your favorite and many more yummy, appetizing and exotic recipes at:
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Enjoy cooking and eating healthy foods to stay hale and hearty. Always remember that: “VahrehVah is all about inspiring others to cook”!
Rene Briones Posted on Fri Jun 01 2018
Mr Sanjay, VahrehVah Can't thank you enough for you butter chicken recipe, it was spectacular i added more measurements to my taste and liking , Now i don't have to be in NYC to have real authentic dish! I will be exploring your other dishes as wel
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