A typical Andhra preparation and a popular one where the vegetables are cooked in tamarin...
Wheat flour is combined with aromatic spices to make these delicious rotis. These rotis ...
Ridge gourd Tomato and Urad dal is a humble mildly spiced dish, very simple and takes ver...
Poori chocolate is a fried flaky pastry either sprinked with a generous amount of cardamo...
This is a delicious snack recipe, plantain are rich in fiber which can lower your choles...
This fried rice recipe, it is packed with a wonderful aroma of garlic and spinach and it ...
Egg roll is a famous snack from the streets of many Indian cities especially Kolkata. If you are looking for appetizer ideas, this quick and easy recipe is a great option. It is made of fried egg, onions, chilies wrapped in flat bread.
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