Creamy chicken and mushroom baked is creating a quick and easy weeknight meal. Served ov...
Murg Badami is chicken made from cream and almonds and garnished with chopped almonds....
Chicken Ghee Roast is a popular Mangalorean dish which uses spices and clarified butter t...
Poppy Butter chicken which is also knows as Murgh Makhani, pieces of chicken cooked in bu...
Chicken Haleem is sold as a snack food in bazaars throughout the year. It is also a speci...
This is a non vegetarian snack recipe. The chicken bread is one of favourite braided and ...
In North America, a chicken sandwich is a sandwich which typically consists of a boneless, skinless breast of chicken served between slices of bread, on a bun, or on a roll. Learn the recipe of chicken sandwich by vahchef.
Bakery Style Chicken & Mayonnaise Sandwiches! This Quick N Delicious recipe will have everyone wanting more.
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