Moor or kuzhu Moor Kali is a very traditional and authentic dish prepared with buttermilk...
Delicious puris in ajwain flavor in combination with raw banana curry makes this breakfas...
Sago rice jaggery payasam is a nice blend of sago (also known as sabudana, javarisi or ta...
Taro root (Arbi) tikki is one of the most tastiest kebab which just tastes like any non v...
Green peas and drumstick puli is a south Indian recipe and great side dish for rice. ...
Mango/ kairee (green mango) rice is a classic dish made of fluffy rice, freshly grated ra...
This fry is a dry type and cud be tried with both beef or Mutton.This is my own recipe when i found that beef fry in chennai was'nt tasting gud.We get the syrian type which is of the kerala origin.So i decided make a recipe that becomes the Hall mark of Chennai Cooking.I followed your Butter chicken recipe and it came out Gud.As a reciprocation i give you my recipe.
The recipe goes gud with chapathis,malabar parotta,sambar/rasam rice/Lime rice.
About Recipe
Go mamsam, Mattueraichi, Go mango |