This is a very traditional and authentic South Indian (Tamil) dish this can made with var...
Ridge gourd & fenugreek leaves curry is an excellent side dish....
Channa masala, an impressive fairly dry and spicy dish with a sour tangy taste made with ...
Boiled eggs cooked in a spicy tomato onion based masala curry. This dish is perfect for a...
This potato fry podimas(mashed potatoes) is a mildly flavored curry to go with hot and sp...
Dal Fry is a popular Indian lentil recipe. This recipe uses toor dal, which is also known...
CAULIFLOWER MOONG DAL WITH DIL LEAVES :Dal With Dil Leaves Recipe.Gobi Dal With Dil Leaves Recipe ... by adding in a fistful of dill leaves into pressure cooked moong dal. .
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