Undrala Pulav is a special and flavorful delicacy with the perfect blend of spices and ar...
A spin to South Indian tasty rice of coconut and kokum and it is easy to prepare....
COCONUT RICE, fresh coconut rice, coconut pulihora, kobari annam, coconut tempered rice, ...
This Mughalai vegetable pulav is an adapted pulav in the regions of the deccan area where...
Bhatkali biryani is a special biryani savoured in all parts of coastal Karnataka. ...
Bangala Dhumpa Capsicum Masala Fried Rice is a must try quick and easy to make, spicy and...
This is a very delicious and nutritious rice recipe,A quick flavorful rice recipe best suited for kids,
Rice is the most demanded foods consumed by most us. It's also an essential staple food that's extensively eaten in Asia. Rice is a healthy food as well as an essential nutritious diet which contains a lot more than 15 minerals and vitamins which help to protect us against diseases and make certain nutritious growth.
carrot rice recipe is actually a nutritious and quick rice recipe for breakfast and lunch boxes. This easy carrot... Read More..
About Recipe
Rice is the most demanded foods consumed by most us. It's also an essential staple food that's extensively eaten in Asia. Rice is a healthy food as well as an essential nutritious diet which contains a lot more than 15 minerals and vitamins which help to protect us against diseases and make certain nutritious growth.
carrot rice recipe is actually a nutritious and quick rice recipe for breakfast and lunch boxes. This easy carrot pulao is mildly spiced and simply well prepared in jiffy but it's very healthy. this pulav recipe is great for people who does not want to eat raw carrot but require some healthy recipes for lunch. This rice recipe goes very well with dal or raita.
Making this carrot rice is among the ideal way to consume any remaining rice as well. And if you're thinking about what to cook and pack in the kids lunch box this carrot rice will come for your rescue. Among the best things I love about carrot rice is definitely the crunch of the carrots
Carrot rice is a superb a single pot dish and makes a fast dish also. It's basically rice cooked with carrots and flavored with seasonings. Provides an incredible orange color that makes it look appealing and delicious! Carrot Rice is an extremely yummy and healthy food made using Carrots. Carrots is admired veggies recognized by the majority of kids as being the favorite food of rabbits full of lots of health advantages and provides prompt energy.
Carrot rice is actually just rice cooked with carrots and a few seasonings. This makes the rice colorful, and also coming in a few much more veggie content for your meal, it's a few-ingredient flavored using the elegant fragrance of cinnamon and cloves.
Rice is a flexible ingredient that is simple to prepare, can be produced like a key dish, side dish, sweet or included into making some scrumptious snacks to finish an appealing and delightful meal!
Rice preparation may be classified into numerous parts, for example Biryani & Rice recipes, Pulao recipes, South Indian Rice quality recipes, Rice versions, sweets or easy Indian rice recipes and many others.
Carrots are extremely flexible veggie and so are found in numerous delicious and sweet dishes. They're also eaten raw and included in salad. From a regular kosambari (raw carrot salad) to including in sambar, to cooking a tasty carrot halwa, carrot tastes wonderful and delicious is no matter which recipe it's put into. Carrots are also included in cake to create a delicious sugary delicacy.
Carrots were very first harvested in the Middle Eastern and Central Asian countries and from now on gain popularity across the world. Carrots were substantially used by the Romans as well as the Greeks in medicines. Carrots has been said to possess fat fighting characteristics, rich in fiber content.
The benefits of rice contain ability to supply fast and instant energy, control and improve bowel movements, balance blood sugar levels, and reduce the aging process, as well as supplying an essential source of vitamin B1 to the body.
Carrots are very rich in fibers, anti-oxidants, minerals and vitamins. Addition of carrots in what you eat is essential because it is loaded with vitamin A and vitamin A is great treatment for treating bad eyesight, night blindness and it is beneficial to the skin. It has potassium, magnesium, vitamin B6, thiamine, Folic acid, iron, copper, phosphorus and Sulphur. Carrots are popular for its several advantages because they are also rich vitamins B1, B2, C, D and E which are anti-oxidants that minimize toxins cell deterioration and cure and nourish the skin.
vahuser Posted on Sat Nov 14 2009
I made the Carrot rice it came out really nice. I added channa dal, Cashewnuts and Udad dal in the tempering. The tip I am about to give is awesome it made all the difference, instead of red chilli powder i took 1 tsp of coriander seeds, 3 -4 red chi
Reply 0 - Repliesvahuser Posted on Mon Jul 14 2008
It came well by following. My Hats-off to you by offering such good service. Daily i refer your site before cooking. Thank you very much
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vahuser Posted on Tue Mar 08 2011
I tried it..yummy
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