Colocasia Lotus flax nuts curry is a delicious combination of 2 healthy vegetables (i.,e...
Open pie of vegetable is made by using bell pepper, onions, and mushrooms. You can make v...
Quinoa rice is a gluten-free recipes. This protein-packed grain looks a bit like couscous...
Beetroot sambar is red in color as beetroot is reddish in color. Beetroot replaces lost b...
Turai/ beerakai cooked in milk, mildly spiced with a wonderful creamy texture and it ma...
Citron pickle is a sour pickle with lots of medicinal value, aids digestion and removes t...
How to makeCarrot Payasam with cashews?How to cookCarrot Payasam with cashews?Learn the recipeCarrot Payasam with cashewsby vahchef.For all recipes visit
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