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Cabbage and peas curry is a delicious and it is the simple and easy recipe to make.
Cabbage is a well-liked varieties of the Brassica oleracea linne group and it is used as a leafy veggie. It's an herbaceous, biennial flowering vegetable that is packed with bulk of leaves, generally green but also in some types red or purplish. The plant can also be known as head cabbage or heading cabbage. Cabbage leaves usually have a fragile, powdery, waxy coating called bloom. The sometimes sharp or bitter flavor of cabbage is because of... Read More..
About Recipe
Gos koora koora, Muttaikose Kuzhambu, Bandha kopi torkari |
Cabbage is a well-liked varieties of the Brassica oleracea linne group and it is used as a leafy veggie. It's an herbaceous, biennial flowering vegetable that is packed with bulk of leaves, generally green but also in some types red or purplish. The plant can also be known as head cabbage or heading cabbage. Cabbage leaves usually have a fragile, powdery, waxy coating called bloom. The sometimes sharp or bitter flavor of cabbage is because of glucosinolate(s). The English Name Cabbage derives from the Normanno-Picard caboche (head), possibly from boche (swelling, bump). Cabbage was created by on-going synthetic choice for reductions and also the only section of the plant which are consumed may be the leafy head; more specifically, the circular bunch of immature leaves, not including the partly unfolded outer leaves.
Cabbage can be used in a number of recipes because of its normally spicy taste. The so-called "cabbage head" is commonly eaten uncooked, cooked, or preserved in the tremendous variety of recipes. It's the key factor in coleslaw. Generally, this veggie is popular in Chinese delicacies particularly included in to the soups or stews. Cabbage soup is most widely used in Central and Eastern Europe, and cabbage is surely a component in particular sorts of borscht.
Cabbage can be used in lots of well-known recipes in India as an example the cabbage kofta curry, channa cabbage and also the cabbage foogath. Boiling tenderize the leaves and produces sugars, which results in the feature "cabbage" fragrance. Steamed cabbage becomes stigmatized due to its robust cooking aroma and the fact that it leads to flatulence. Furthermore, boiling cuts down on the cabbage's anti-cancer qualities. It's also be ready and offered with lots of other veggies or boiled meat. Cabbage rolls, a kind of dolma, is definitely an East European and Middle Eastern delicacy. The leaves are softened by parboiling or by putting the entire head of cabbage in the freezer, after which loaded with a combination of chopped meat and/or rice.
Cabbage is loaded with vitamin C. Additionally, it consists of quite a lot of glutamine, an amino acid which has anti-inflammatory qualities. Cabbage may also be contained in dieting plans, because it is a low calorie food. There are lots of types of cabbage depending on form and duration of maturity. You will find three main kinds of cabbage: green, red, and Savoy. The leaves of Savoy cabbage tend to be more beautiful and yellowish-green colored. Green and red cabbages possess a much more described flavor and crispy consistency in comparison with Savoy cabbage's much more fragile nature.
Red cabbage consists of added health advantages not present in green cabbage. Durable, plentiful, and low-cost, cabbage is really a longstanding nutritional staple across the world and it is so broadly harvested and stores very well that it's accessible all year around. Nevertheless, it's at its ideal in the late winter and fall months when it's in season.
Cabbage is loaded with vitamin K and vitamin C. It's also an excellent way to obtain fiber, manganese, folate, and vitamin B6 potassium and omega-3 fatty acids. Cabbage can also be an excellent source of thiamin (vitamin B1), riboflavin (vitamin B2), calcium, magnesium, vitamin A, and protein. The health advantages of cabbage contain therapy for constipation, stomach ulcers, headache, excess fat, skin problems, eczema, jaundice, scurvy, rheumatism, arthritis, gout, eye disorders, heart diseases, ageing, and Alzheimer's disease Cabbage is comparatively low-cost however one of many wealthiest with regards to protective vitamins.
Cabbage Peas Curry is an outstanding and gently spiced recipe coupled with cabbage and peas cooked along with moderate seasoning.
Miss Karina Simons Posted on Fri Sep 27 2013
You sound a lil down in this video, generally you're so energetic. Imma gonna try this recepie tho. Thanks a lot :D
Reply 0 - Repliessujatha vg Posted on Fri Sep 27 2013
hi .. great recipe uncle :) bt u there need some coconut milk at the end if we would have with chappathi or phulka :) it s ok with lunch meal :)
Reply 0 - RepliesSatoshi Chomsky Posted on Fri Sep 27 2013
A beautiful and simple vegan dish. I must try. Thanks Chef!
Reply 0 - RepliesTameTusker Silly Posted on Fri Sep 27 2013
Bet it goes well with poori or phulka......!!
Reply 0 - Repliespotbottle Posted on Sat Sep 28 2013
What a nice dish!! I'm gonna try this tomorrow!!!!!
Reply 0 - RepliesEduardo Dias Posted on Sat Sep 28 2013
Please make a list of the ingredients as i'm not a native speaker its a little hard to understand your accent
Reply 0 - RepliesShiya Nathan Posted on Sun Sep 29 2013
Tried this today and came really good and tasted good. Thanks
Reply 0 - Repliessrikanth hk Posted on Wed Oct 02 2013
Hello VahChef, Today I made the Cabbage Peas Curry as same as you said, and came wonderfully, Hats of to you Sir, Thank you. ( In Kannada : Thumbaa Chennagi ittu , Dhanyavaadagalu VahaChef. )
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John Paul Posted on Fri Sep 27 2013
Another great recipe chef;-)
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