Sherva is a liquidy gravy made out of meat juices, thickened with locally available ingre...
Lightly spiced moong dal and ridge gourd combination is a dal recipe for roti or pulka. M...
This is a simple breakfast recipe prepared with leftover rice....
Raw tamarind and coconut chutney is a sour taste and is frequently used in South India se...
Poornam boorelu is a traditional south Indian festive sweet recipe prepared especially in...
Paneer stuffed brinjals is an awesome snack dish or side dish made with eggplant slices s...
How to makeBesan Ladoo (Churma)?How to cookBesan Ladoo (Churma)?Learn the recipeBesan Ladoo (Churma)by vahchef.For all recipes visit
About Recipe
Senaga Pindi Chenaga Pindi Churma methai, Kadalamaavu Churma inippu, Baeshun Churma Misti |