Chicken Biryani is an exotic one-dish meal, served usually at large get togethers, occasi...
A popular Indian chicken dish consisting of chicken marinated in a mixture of yoghurt and...
Ginger chicken strips is tasty and crispy dry chicken recipe with flavors of ginger, chil...
This crispy chicken cooked with spices is a perfect delight to enjoy on weekend parties. ...
Kalmi kabab a popular snack in Indian cuisine.or delicious side dish. It is juicy and ten...
A very tasty and versatile vegetable, which tastes amazing when combined with chicken....
Short ribs are a cut of beef taken from the brisket, chuck, plate, or rib areas of beef cattle. Learn the recipe of Beef Short Ribs by vahchef.
You won't believe how good these ribs are!!! I think we could have these every other night.. They're YUMMY!!!!
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