A classic dal recipe with white brinjal cooked in boiled dal. This sour dal is a mouth-fr...
Khajur Imli ki chutney is a sweet-sour recipe prepared with tamarind, jaggery and dates....
Poha Oats vada is an innovative form of indian appetizer, vada.It is crispy outside and s...
How to make nachos?How to cook nachos?Learn the recipe nachos by Vahchef.For all recipes...
Super delicious brinjal omelet would be one of the best ways of including rich nutritious...
Bread chaat, Corn chaat, Bread and mixed veg chat, Instant crouton and corn chat....
Raw banana Daddojanam is one new version of the classic daddojanam with the added goodness of raw banana & fresh coconut.
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