Crispy brinjal is a delicious Indian recipe served as a side dish or snacks. It remains c...
Prawns cooked in mustard oil and further simmered in curd is a Bengali influenced dish an...
Chicken 2 Peppers is commonly known as Murg Do Mirch which is a dry fry preparation addin...
curry leafs (kurvepaku), tamerind( Chintha pandu), whole red chilli ( endu mirchi), fres...
Methi Chicken is one of the most famous and delicious dishes from the Hyderabadi cuisine....
One more recipe with fresh green peas and it becomes everyone's favorite. It's a Simple, ...
Arati puvvu kura is a south indian dish. It is delicious, tasty and healthy diet as arati puvvu and tamarind is used in this recipe.
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