This quick and tasty dish stir fried shrimp with vegetables make this dish delicious serv...
Mustard flavored okra goes very well with rice and rotis....
Boti curry or Gizzard curry is made with Lamb gizzards cooked with India spices in a nice...
Green Peas and Drumstick Puli is a South Indian style traditional recipe. It's basically ...
Whole lemon cucumber stuffed with sesame seeds, ground nuts and spices, is a delicious r...
Bharvan parval is a stuffed pointed gourd which is slit and deseeded, blanched and stuffe...
This recipe is common to the Ethiopian Jews (Phalashi). Learn the recipe of Amhari Mesir Wat by vahchef.
This is a very simple and delicious recipe. It doesn't use any fancy ingredients and it is yummy and quick!
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