Biryani sometimes spelled Biriyani or Biriani. Radish dumpling biryani is made with spice...
Quinoa rice is a gluten-free recipes. This protein-packed grain looks a bit like couscous...
Mexican rice is an easy recipe made in a jiffy. It is a colourful rice preparation sautée...
Spicy pulao with stir-fry brinjals is one of the yummiest rice preparations, very flavour...
Dalimbi bhat is a very delicious pulao made with field beans and is a traditional Maharas...
Pineapple raw banana pulav is a sweet and spicy rice recipe to try. It have unique flavor...
It’s a very exotic rice recipe with potatoes and all the sourness in mangoes.
About Recipe
Mamidi pandu, Mam, Aam |
Trivandrum Padmanabhan Janardanan Posted on Sun Jun 14 2015
Very smooth explanation and looks to be a great pulav. Only suggestion is, wrap it up at the end with whatever ingredients are to be used so that it becomes easy when one starts attempting to prepare the dish. Looking forward to many more traditiona
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candidcritic Posted on Thu Jun 11 2015
Love your rice dishes!?
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