Spicy Prawn Masala is a delicious Indian recipe served as a Curries....
phool makhana is called lotus seeds we can make only a dry preperation with this so lotus...
Mushroom Chole curry or Dhingri Chole masala is a classic Indian style dish consisting of...
This is the variation of salan gravy with the addition of curd to increase the basic vers...
Satay peanut sauce in a blend of peanut crushed and added with shrimp paste spiced with c...
Chicken Varattiyathu or roast is one of the most commonly made dishes in Keralite homes. ...
Stuffed Zucchini is a simple yet delicious dish made of zucchini, tomato, onions, garlic, bread crumbs and spices. It is a hearty vegetarian dish.
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