Mushroom Chole curry or Dhingri Chole masala is a classic Indian style dish consisting of...
Ridge gourd & fenugreek leaves curry is an excellent side dish....
Fish masala with poppy seeds is a delicious recipe of fish marinated in a paste of spices...
There are so many different names for this vegetable, giloda in Gujarati, tindora in Hin...
Any recipe made with eggplant taste good. Chutney made with brinjal different from other ...
Natthala fish Curry tastes amazingly delicious with a perfect blend of spices....
Misa Mach Poora is a popular dish from the northeast Indian cuisine. Learn the recipe of Misa Mach Poora (Grilled shrimps) by vahchef.
Misa Mach Poora or Grilled Shrimps are succulent pieces of shrimps spiced with some coriander and peppercorns, cooked for few minutes, wrapped in banana leaves and grilled or roasted over charcoal giving an exceptionally smoky flavour. This can be served excellently as starter or a side dish along with steamed rice.
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