Stuffed Bhindi, a name it self gets juices flowing in the mouth it is Gujarati style. Dry...
Bhindi or okra is a delicious main course vegetable dish filled dry fruit and can be serv...
Kara Poli is a perfect power packed delicacy with the added goodness of veggies and no co...
This is a delicious chutney that you can quickly make to add to the main meal course as a...
A favorite Andhra breakfast is Minappa (Urad dal) roti that is more popularly known as 'D...
Relish a delightfully new flavor by adding in a fistful of dill leaves into pressure cook...
Handwa is a version of indian pan cake, delicious to have at breakfast or as an evening snack. This can make a perfect recipe to pack for picnic's.
About Recipe
vahuser Posted on Wed Jan 28 2009
I want to see vidio demo
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