Red Velvet Cupcakes are so striking with their brilliantly red color, Fluffy, moist, but...
Garlic dal is a quick, easy and soothing dal spiced with lots of garlic and cumin seeds. ...
Egg Croquettes are made with hard cooked eggs, parsley, butter, onion, cheese, and cracke...
Oats Chicken Mughlai is from ancient times of mughal cuisines with blend of spices and me...
Bhel Puri is one of the popular chaat in India and it is a delicious mixture....
Spinach and corn soup is a colourful soup, enriched with vitamin A and folic acid rich sp...
Bruschetta is an antipasto from Italy consisting of grilled bread rubbed with garlic and topped with olive oil and salt.
imple appetizer - the balsamic vinegar gives it a little kick. Best if the mixture has 1 or 2 hours to blend flavors before serving.
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