Generally a mix of tomato paste, water, parmesan cheese, and garlic blended well together...
Foodhi brinjal is a curry goes well with sambar rice and curd rice. Eggplant that is the ...
Sindhi cuisine is very nutritious with a predominant use of vegetables in each and every ...
Coconut crusted jumbo prawns is an exceptionally flavourful and delicious seafood delicac...
Curry leaves has a unique aroma & taste and has a lot of medicinal properties. It is ver...
A big fillet of seabass fish just marinated with garlic and butter and seasoning and bake...
These cumin seeds cookies are not only delicious snacks they are also a good source of iron. Learn the recipe of Zeera Biscuits by vahchef.
Cumin seeds have been long known for their health benefits. They benefit our digestive system and give some sort of cancer protection. So these cookies give two fold benefits!
About Recipe
vahuser Posted on Tue Jun 14 2011
just made these.. super easy and quick.. turned out exactly the way i wanted .. thanks for the much needed recipe.. will be making it again and again :)
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