stock to use in lot of Indo-Chinese dishes and continental dishes to suit spicy taste bud...
This is a Spicy Andhra Chicken Pulao called Kodi Pulao. In Telgu language Kodi means Chic...
Simple breakfast recipe cooked in a microwave with out oil and butter which makes a very ...
A lemon tart is a dessert dish, a variation of a tart. They have a pastry shell with a le...
This is a popular spicy mixed vegetable Kolhapuri preparation which is a semi-dry vegetab...
Vattalappam is a tasty dessert, also it is traditional and mouth watering Srilankan recip...
These cumin seeds cookies are not only delicious snacks they are also a good source of iron. Learn the recipe of Zeera Biscuits by vahchef.
Cumin seeds have been long known for their health benefits. They benefit our digestive system and give some sort of cancer protection. So these cookies give two fold benefits!
About Recipe
vahuser Posted on Tue Jun 14 2011
just made these.. super easy and quick.. turned out exactly the way i wanted .. thanks for the much needed recipe.. will be making it again and again :)
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