Power packed meal option with the goodness of veggies and no compromise in taste. ...
It’s a very simple and spicy snack recipe with fresh mango salad with it. ...
An herbed flavour tangy soup. This Lemon coriander soup presents the lovely combination o...
A gorgeous, healthy, and very tasty beetroot soup that's so simple to make....
Paya is a popular South Indian soup made of mutton. Also known as aatu kaal paya regional...
This is a soup recipe of drumstick, flower tops, and leaves are an excellent source of h...
his is a great soup that is light and healthy and good any time or any season. Learn the recipe of Veggie-Mac Soup by vahchef.
A nice change of pace from heavy cream soups, this hearty yet healthy combination can be served as a side dish or light meal.
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