Andhra chepala pulusu is an authentic recipe where the fish is cooked with simple spices....
Vegetable 65 is an awesome snack dish that kids love to eat. Made with mix veggies, sligh...
This rustic lambadi style meat preparation made with simple ingredients....
This is a basic Satay Sauce made with coconut milk and peanut butter - Its wonderful. ...
Anjeer Halwa is a rich and mouthwatering dessert recipe made with dried figs and topped w...
Green leaves pulao is a flavorful pulao, easy to make, instant rice dish to serve with on...
We can also use patties in place of hashbrowns. If not we can always go head and add boiled blackbeans or any beans as a normal burrito.
We generally dont get much of the veggi options in US so i tried this. This recipe is from my own creativity. When i first tried this, it turned out really awesome and became one of my fav snack.
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