This is a Spicy Andhra Chicken Pulao called Kodi Pulao. In Telgu language Kodi means Chic...
Simple breakfast recipe cooked in a microwave with out oil and butter which makes a very ...
A lemon tart is a dessert dish, a variation of a tart. They have a pastry shell with a le...
This is a popular spicy mixed vegetable Kolhapuri preparation which is a semi-dry vegetab...
Vattalappam is a tasty dessert, also it is traditional and mouth watering Srilankan recip...
This exotic recipe for Banana Rolls with Custard Sauce can be readily customized which ca...
A pretty looking golden brown noodle basket that's filled with a warm and crunchy stir-fry vegetables. It is healthy recipe, rich in fibre, vitamins.
About Recipe
Kalgora vepudu, Samayalkurippu varuval, Shukto Bhaja |
Bint-e Nooh Posted on Tue Jan 19 2016
Isn't it same as American Chopsuey???
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