Dal Maharani is the quintessential celebratory lentil for Northern India. Its silky consi...
Bitter Melon is a fantastic combination of sweet, spicy and sour ingredients mixed togeth...
Soya Chunks is an excellent source of protein and has a lot of health benefits too.This g...
Stir fry okra with garlic is an easy recipe. Tastes simply good for garlic lovers. ...
Paneer Kali Mirch is a deliciously spicy recipe which will be a definite hit with spice l...
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Vatanyachi Usal is a traditional and popular side dish from the Maharashtrian cuisine. Learn the recipe of Vatanyachi Usal by vahchef.
This dish also commonly known as Kaalya Vatanyacha Sambar and is quite easy to prepare. A Maharashtrian meal typically has a vegetable preparation and sprouts or legume preparation known as Usal.
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