Okra chutney is a high fiber spicy tangy delicious healthy chutney made perfect with hot ...
This recipe of kofta is a healthy twist to the traditionally deep fried kofta. Served wi...
Chicken with the added flavor of pumpkin tastes amazingly delicious....
Delicious crunchy outside, soft inside Chicken Chops Curry ultimate dish to try upon. The...
this kind of dish is made only in local toddy compounds because its spiciness will suit v...
A Punjabi style gravy dish made from potato, cauliflower and green peas with typical Nort...
Potato is one such vegetable which is liked by everyone. For many, cooking doesn’t end without potato. Mashed potato curry also called bangaladumpa mudda kura is purely an Andhra recipe. This is mostly served during marriages.
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