This is a rajasthani recipe and especially made in summer season with dried kher and sang...
Mushroom Chole curry or Dhingri Chole masala is a classic Indian style dish consisting of...
Boiled elephant yam steaks dusted with Indian spices and grilled till crispy. ...
This is the variation of salan gravy with the addition of curd to increase the basic vers...
Satay peanut sauce in a blend of peanut crushed and added with shrimp paste spiced with c...
Hariyali paneer makhani is a punjabi paneer recipe with succulent paneer cubes cooked in ...
Vatanyachi Usal is a traditional and popular side dish from the Maharashtrian cuisine. Learn the recipe of Vatanyachi Usal by vahchef.
This dish also commonly known as Kaalya Vatanyacha Sambar and is quite easy to prepare. A Maharashtrian meal typically has a vegetable preparation and sprouts or legume preparation known as Usal.
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