Mango Kadhi is an excellent side dish made with mango juice added to ghee tempered yogurt...
Aloo baingan (potato and eggplant) is a great main dish. It's easy to make and can be ser...
Sprouts Cutlet (Vadalu) is a delicious snack recipe made in a jiffy....
Try this Vegetable Roti with Beetroot Apple Juice as a healthy combo start of the day....
Bottle gourd and moong dal kootu is a South Indian sorakkai kootu with moong dal lentils ...
Butter chicken or murgh makhani is an Indian dish from the Punjab region popular in count...
Quick tomato quinoa bath is a vegan, nutritious meal. It has tomato, mint, quinoa . This is high protein and healthy lunch box recipe for kids.
Tomato rice recipe is a main course dish that's colorful, tangy, yet delicious and tickles your taste buds. Fundamentally, tomato rice rcipe is cooked plain without another veggie. Tomato rice is the most popular dish, especially in the south India.
The mixture of ripe juicy tomatoes together with aromatic spices is really a yummy and delicious treat. There are lots of versions of the dish... Read More..
About Recipe
Tametokai vepudu, Takkali pazham varuval, Toamaatar Bhaja |
Tomato rice recipe is a main course dish that's colorful, tangy, yet delicious and tickles your taste buds. Fundamentally, tomato rice rcipe is cooked plain without another veggie. Tomato rice is the most popular dish, especially in the south India.
The mixture of ripe juicy tomatoes together with aromatic spices is really a yummy and delicious treat. There are lots of versions of the dish however this specific recipe is surely an individual favorite. Tomato rice is definitely ideal to be a complete meal or light meal or brunch, served alongside with yogurt/ raita and papad.
Tomato Rice recipes is among those simplest rice dishes however can be extremely satisfying to taste buds and among the list of favorite lunch box meals for kids and convenient to carry to office. Tomato rice is a simple meal without much fuzz to carry as it can be eaten alone. Tangy tomato rice makes a one dish great meal.
other famous tomato rice dishes include tomato biryani, tomato pulao, tomato bath,
Health Benefit of Tomato and Lemon rice:
The benefits of rice contain ability to supply fast and instant energy, control and improve bowel movements, balance blood sugar levels, and reduce the aging process, as well as supplying an essential source of vitamin B1 to the body
Tomatoes are nutritious to health and have beneficial medicinal values too. One tomato carries larger amount of vitamin c, potassium, iron, vitamin A, and lycopene. Lycopene is an antioxidant which prevents free radical cells from forming in our body thus possibly preventing cancer. It is regarded as among the healthiest vegetables.