Afrodisiac drumsticks and mutton curry is a relish mutton curry which is cooked in combi...
Dabba Gosht is an Eid recipe you must have in your family feast. Baked dabba gosht with m...
Mutton and green leafy vegetable cooked together turns out to be the best among all. This...
This dish doesn't have a gravy and threrefore should be served with naan and not over ri...
Dhansak is a popular Indian dish, especially among the Parsi Zoroastrian community. It co...
Paya is a popular South Indian soup made of mutton. Also known as aatu kaal paya regional...
Tikka kabab's is a easy recipe which is made with blend of spices. It is one of the traditional kebab of Mughlai cuisine that is prepared with marinated lamb and usually had as a starter or with naan/chapatti's.
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