This is a delicious non-veg all in one pasta dish with tender eggplant and a bright toma...
Sherva is a liquidy gravy made out of meat juices, thickened with locally available ingre...
This recipe is a very simple kadi or kadhi made with buttermilk, fried okra and spices....
Kofta Curry is a delicious dish that is a specialty of Northern India. These fried coconu...
Chicken livers can be a good source of nutrition for the human liver. This dish one such ...
Methi Chaman is a paneer ( Indian cottage cheese) dish with fenugreek leaves and spinach ...
If you’re in the need of a super quick and easy side dish, this might be the one for you. Learn the recipe of Tangy Veggies and Pasta by vahchef.
Tangy Pasta, loaded with colourful and crunchy vegetables is not only tangy, but cheesy too. Serve hot with garlic bread.
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