Ridge Gourd Peel Chutney tastes heavenly when mixed with rice along with a dash of til oi...
Ridge gourd chutney is a healthy, tasty side dish for idli and dosa....
A combination of spinach and yogurt makes a delicious and nutritious raita. Palak raita, ...
Khatti Palak chutney is yet one more excellent chutney made with Chukka kura also common...
Khajur Imli ki chutney is a sweet-sour recipe prepared with tamarind, jaggery and dates....
This is a simple maharashtrian peanut curry that is made on fasting days during navratri....
Sprouted Moong is usually blend in taste but by adding cucumber, tomatoes, sweet potatoes, onions and spices and chutney you can makes it a wonderful dish
About Recipe
Mrs.Vahchef Posted on Thu Mar 26 2015
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