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Soya keema is one unique dish that caters to all the vegetarians. it is an excellent dry snack item made with chunks and spices combined together and made into dumplings and deep fried.
It is an excellent dry snack item made with chunks and spices combined together and made into dumplings and deep f... Read More..
About Recipe
It is an excellent dry snack item made with chunks and spices combined together and made into dumplings and deep fried. Soya keema mutilu is a unique dish that caters to all the vegetarians. Protein rich soya chunks are added to besan flour, spices, spring onions, lime juice all combined together and formed into dumplings which are later deep fried until they get a nice golden color. These awesome and yummy soya kheema mutilu can be eaten on its own or accompanied with sauce or mint chutney.
Soya chunks are high protein foods that are popularly eaten among vegetarians. It is commonly known as meal maker which is a textured or texturized vegetable protein which is also called as soy protein or soya meat. It is a nutritious meat extender made from defatted soy flour, a by-product of extracting soybean oil. Soya chunks cooks quickly hence it’s easy to prepare. Soya chunks also blend with spices well and tastes extremely delicious when cooked. It is also said that soya chunks is a fantastic substitute to meat and tastes similar to meat. Amazingly the protein content of soya chunks is equal to that of meat and contains no fat.
You can prepare a variety of dishes with soya chunks or meal maker. They could be added to pulaos, yummy gravy dishes, pulusu, parothas, soya vada etc. Soya granules are used to prepare dishes similar to kheema curry (mince meat). Soya chunks are soft fibrous vegetable matter that resembles soft meat in texture. When soaked and boiled for a couple of minutes, the chunks swell in size and improve in texture. When water is squeezed off, the soya chunks are ready to be converted into various delicacies.
The soya chunks or meal maker is readily available in most of supermarkets and used widely in many recipes in prisons and schools as they are relatively low in cost, high protein and low fat content and has a long shelf life which allows institutions to buy in bulk. Soya beans are an excellent source of high protein and fibrous food. After the extraction of soya milk, the soya chunks act as soya meal maker. 50% of the vegetable protein from the soya bean is a good fiber food enabling easy digestion and bowl movement.
These dumplings are perfect starter or appetizers for any children’s party, get-togethers etc. Do try making the soya kheeema mutilu and you’ll surely it’s taste and ask for more. To try more favourite recipes, do click on: www.vahrehvah.com My rating: 4 stars: ★★★★☆ 1 review(s) You could always reach me at my below links:
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Enjoy Cooking and always remember that: “VahrehVah is all about inspiring others to cook”!
shanthi shenoy Posted on Fri Dec 04 2015
i have not seen small soya chunks here. i have big one at home. how do i make it with that ???
Reply 0 - Repliesnatarajan pl Posted on Thu Jan 28 2016
Instead of besan , can we use corn flour ? or any other thing instead of besan ??
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Mrs.Vahchef Posted on Wed Nov 12 2014
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