Undrala Pulav is a special and flavorful delicacy with the perfect blend of spices and ar...
A spin to South Indian tasty rice of coconut and kokum and it is easy to prepare....
A delicious rice dish, this one is simple to make with mixed vegetables....
COCONUT RICE, fresh coconut rice, coconut pulihora, kobari annam, coconut tempered rice, ...
This Mughalai vegetable pulav is an adapted pulav in the regions of the deccan area where...
Bhatkali biryani is a special biryani savoured in all parts of coastal Karnataka. ...
Sel roti is a Nepali traditional homemade, sweet, ring-shaped rice bread/doughnut. Learn the recipe of Sel Roti (Fermented rice product) by vahchef.
Selroti is prepared from well-mixed fermented rice batter, which is deep fried, ring-shaped, spongy, pretzel-like product commonly eaten as confectionery bread in religious festivals and special occasions.
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