Gobi 65 or Cauliflower 65 cooked the restaurant style is truly tempting and enticing. Bla...
Soya granules mixed with boiled lobia and masalas to make delightful tikki’s go perfect w...
Paneer Carrot Capsicum Rice recipe is perfect for days when you do not want to cook a com...
It is a fried snack that can be prepared in two different flavors sweet and salty (khara...
Burned brinjal pachi pulusu is a classic Andhra dish prepared with tamarind juice, burned...
Ragi malt is delicious and nutritious recipe for four year babies to sixty year old age g...
Samosa chaat is very popular in India, especially in Mumbai. Chaat recipes are well known for its mixed combination of tanginess, sweetness, and spiciness.
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