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Saag paneer with greens gongura curry is one of the most popular Indo-Chinese dishes in India along with Veg saag paneer.
Palak Paneer is actually an essential Indian dish, a popular all over the India. Although originally through the North, this leafy green, mildly spiced green spinach and cottage cheese (paneer) gravy have their own variations in various states. The curry with all the rewards from Spinach and Paneer is super quick to make too
This can be offered with Indian bread or roti or... Read More..
About Recipe
Panir koora, Kuzhambu, Poneer chehna torkari |
Palak Paneer is actually an essential Indian dish, a popular all over the India. Although originally through the North, this leafy green, mildly spiced green spinach and cottage cheese (paneer) gravy have their own variations in various states. The curry with all the rewards from Spinach and Paneer is super quick to make too
This can be offered with Indian bread or roti or naan. The rich and creamy spinach curry and the soft paneer melts inside your mouth and will be an ideal dish for any party or a celebration.
Palak paneer is certainly not but pan-fried fresh, soft Indian milk cheese (paneer) in a very slightly spiced spinach (Palak) gravy. Spinach is just one of those veggies which is categorized within the “good for you” type for parents, and the “can’t stand the stuff” group for their kids. Most kids (and grownups) that I are aware of really like paneer, and I have lots of Indian mother’s state that Palak Paneer is one means they're able to get their children eat spinach.
Process of Palak paneer:
Once you have made the paneer, Palak Paneer is easy cooking. The spinach is quickly blanched and after that pureed with chili, garlic and ginger. The puree will be added to sautéed onions and spices and cooked properly into a thick, hot and spicy gravy enriched with coconut milk or cream. The cheese will then be simmered from the gravy till it is warmed up through and softened
Benefit of Palak Paneer:
Palak is extremely healthy and coupled with paneer takes care of calcium, iron and necessary protein levels of the body.
How you can make paneer:
Paneer is a lot easier than other cheese to make at home. It takes only few hours for all procedure and just two ingredients- To make yummy paneer boil milk and an acid (lemon juice or vinegar) is added, add producing into lumps and greenish whey are separated. Paneer are simply pressed into a cube after which sliced up or chopped or grated.
Milk for Paneer:
Various kinds of milk have been used for the manufacturing of paneer. The quality of paneer depends upon the quality of milk by which it is produced.
Buffalo milk was most traditionally used for making paneer as fat content in it is about 5%. But nowadays whole milk is usually used as it is ready available.
Low fat paneer of acceptable quality can be made from cow milk standardized into a fat content of 3%. Grass fed natural milk will provide you with the best flavor paneer.
Paneer dishes:
Paneer is often combine with almost every vegetable like peas, spinach, tomato, potato capsicum, etc. Some popular paneer dishes: Matar Paneer, Palak Paneer, Shahi Paneer, Achaari paneer, aloo bread paneer pakoda, beetroot and paneer salad, Rasogulla
In nowadays, a lot of the international restaurant in India also provide paneer as one of the flavor in wraps, pizza topping or even in sandwiches.
Benefits of paneer:
Paneer is actually a rich way to obtain protein offered at a relatively less expensive and varieties an essential source of animal protein for vegans. In addition to that, its high protein content and digestibility, the biological valuation of protein in paneer is within the range of 80 to 85. Add-on, paneer is a valuable origin of fat, vitamins and minerals like calcium and phosphorus. It provides a reasonably long shelf life under refrigeration.
RichVish Posted on Sat Jul 20 2013
Branched, andan you please tell me where to buy them non stock biryani pot in Hyderabad? I am not able to find out.
Reply 0 - RepliesZebbiBibi Posted on Sat Jul 20 2013
Thanks for sharing great leafy greens recipe :)
Reply 0 - RepliesAditya Hatkar Posted on Sat Jul 20 2013
Sanjay, please show restaurant style dal khichadi, .... i tried various dal and tried to make dal khichadi but it never came like the one they serve in restaurants !!! Also have tried all the versions available on you tube, but none are perfect.
Reply 0 - Repliesakasaart Posted on Sat Jul 20 2013
Sanjay and Praveen, thank you for sharing! I used to go to Indian restaurants all the time, but I never tried paneer. Someday soon I'll have to go back to my hometown to the Indian market to buy some. If they happen to have the gongura leaves, I
Reply 0 - RepliesNeththra'sVision Posted on Sat Jul 20 2013
"This is something to die for wow" Thanks to VahChef and Mr Praveen for teaching this recipe.
Reply 0 - Repliesldandibo Posted on Sat Jul 20 2013
Made it for lunch nd tried with hot phulkas .. Tasty!
Reply 0 - Repliesvijay kumar Posted on Sun Jul 21 2013
Good experiment...we tried came up ver nice tangy and milky taste...another thing it's good source of vitamin c and fibre. So health wise also it's good. Thanks for sharing it. Good job. Your purpose served.
Reply 0 - RepliesGus Vastardis Posted on Sun Jul 21 2013
Thanks for the video, I live in the SF Bay Area and now have a place to try in Fremont.
Reply 0 - RepliesLeigh Naz Posted on Sun Jul 21 2013
It would be nice to show us his restaurant if you get the chance to chef :)
Reply 0 - RepliesColors in Games Posted on Sun Jul 21 2013
glad this man decided to share his knowledge free man!
Reply 0 - Replies
BillGunk Posted on Sat Jul 20 2013
looks great!
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