Horlicks Oats Banana Cake is a delicious cake recipe to relish any time by all age groups...
Doodhi halwa or lauki ka halwa is a dessert. A very nutritious dish as it contains lauki...
Ginnu boorelu is a traditional sweet of Andhra Pradesh. During Sankranthi everybody used...
Besan barfi or Besan ki barfi is a barfi sweet from Northern India and Pakistan. It is p...
Loukoumades are a popular Greek sweet, balls of dough deep fried until golden then drizzl...
Mango Shrikhand is a very popular Indian dessert made from strained yogurt. It is one of ...
Rava ladoo is a traditional Maharashtrian sweet.made up of roasted semolina and coconut combined with sugar syrup, ghee, dry fruits.
Rava Laddu is a awesome sweet dish often prepared on festivals. It makes a delicious combination with just 3 ingredients(rava, sugar, cardamom).
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