Typical Maharashtrian recipe made with fresh coconut and jaggery flavoured with cardamom ...
Loukoumades are a popular Greek sweet, balls of dough deep fried until golden then drizzl...
Quick and easy to make, these pancakes are scrumptious as a main course, side dish or bru...
Ginnu boorelu is a traditional sweet of Andhra Pradesh. During Sankranthi everybody used...
Ragi is called as finger millet in English, kezhvaragu in Tamil. Ragi laddu or ragi lad...
Bandar laddu or thokkudu ladoo is the most popular Andhra sweet with a stunning smooth cr...
Ras malai or rossomalai is a dessert originating from the Indian subcontinent. Learn the recipe of Ras Malai by vahchef.
The name ras malai comes from two words in Hindi: ras, meaning "juice", and malai, meaning "cream". It has been described as "a rich cheesecake without a crust.
About Recipe
vahuser Posted on Sun Jun 14 2009
please add a video making of ras malai...
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