Healthy cutlets is a kids easy snacks, appetizer recipes. It is made using vegetables and...
A triangular shaped fried or baked crispy pastry is popularly known as samosa, with a sav...
The layered muffin is an individual sized quick bread product with two layers. Muffins in...
A tasty kichidi made with healthy jowar, this one-dish meal is also quite exotic due to ...
A delicious pasta dish with fresh spinach and fresh cream. Creamy spinach pasta looks an...
This is a traditional kerala dessert made for occasions and it is easy to prepare and tas...
Pumpkin Idly is a delicious Indian recipe, a healthy sweet breakfast for a healthy day.
About Recipe
Rekha Dudeja Posted on Sat Dec 08 2018
Pumpkin is already sweet iby default right ? Then why so much sugar ? Wont it taste like a dessert then ?
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