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Koftas made with paneer steamed koftas dropped in a smooth rich gravy.
Koftas made with paneer steamed koftas dropped in a smooth rich gravy. Paneer Tawa Kofta Curry is a unique and delicious... Read More..
About Recipe
Panir koora, Kuzhambu, Poneer chehna torkari |
Koftas made with paneer steamed koftas dropped in a smooth rich gravy. Paneer Tawa Kofta Curry is a unique and delicious side-dish made with grated paneer and bottle-gourd (ghia) mixed together with spices to form small patties which are shallow fried and then added to a yummy and spicy tomato gravy cooked with bell-peppers and spring onions. Paneer is versatile, soft Indian cottage cheese that blends well with creamy sauces. It is moist and has an awesome crumbly texture. Paneer is one of those few types of cheese indigenous to the Indian sub-continent and widely used in Indian cuisine, Middle Eastern and Southeast Asian cuisine. It is completely lacto-vegetarian and a great source of proteins to the vegans which can be added to classic Indian dishes like kormas, curries etc.
Paneer is a rich source of milk proteins and is often added into making some very lip-smacking, expl salads, snacks, and various curries/ gravies that is worthy to get a connoisseur’s attention and ask for more. From a hearty paneer stuffing into a kathi roll or paneer egg roll to adding these soft cubes in delectable creamy malai gravy (Paneer Methi Malai Mirch) to salads gets bliss to our palate and delights our taste buds. Bottle gourd is a very well-known vegetable commonly known as lauki, doodhi, ghiya in hindi. It’s a very versatile vegetable that is used in preparing savoury and sweet delicacies.
This vegetable belongs to the gourd family and has a light green smooth skin and white inner flesh. It is a very common vegetable in most Indian kitchen, loved by some but hated by many. The bottle-gourd is easy to digest as is high in water content and low in calories. There are a variety of dishes that can be prepared with lauki like the popular and delicious bottle gourd halwa, doodhi pachadi, bottle gourd channa dal curry and many more. Lauki is widely used in north Indian cuisine and have created recipes that are par excellence and mouth-watering.
Most of the dishes with paneer or bottle gourd are always tempting with its subtle seductive magic of flavours and sheer visual delight that allures our taste buds. It has always been a pleasant experience making a variety of bottle gourd or lauki dishes to suit to customers taste. Do try this recipe and delight your palate with different variations of bottle gourd recipes. To try more paneer or bottle gourd dishes, do click on: https://www.vahrehvah.com
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