Coconut apple milkshake recipe is simple which is healthy and tasty for summer reasons. ...
Quinoa upma is very delicious, flavorful and packed with protein and nutrients. It is a ...
It is a very easy and spicy green ginger chutney. It is served with dosa....
Murg Malai Kabab, Chicken Malai Kabab are irresistible tender succulent and fragrant piec...
A favorite Andhra breakfast is Minappa (Urad dal) roti that is more popularly known as 'D...
Eggs cooked into cubes and simmered in the gravy....
Pua is also known as malpua is an excellent sweet recipe prepared in large quantities on festive and any special occasions to share the good news. Learn the recipe of Pua and Singal by vahchef.
Pua/Malpua is a traditional Bihari (and probably Rajasthani also) dessert that is relished particularly during Holi.
Singal are one of those fried semolina spirals that are part and parcel of Kumaon culture and festivals especially deepawali and Bhaiduj.
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