Dry chana dal fry is an easy to make and quick recipe....
This is a Spicy Andhra Chicken Pulao called Kodi Pulao. In Telgu language Kodi means Chic...
Simple breakfast recipe cooked in a microwave with out oil and butter which makes a very ...
A lemon tart is a dessert dish, a variation of a tart. They have a pastry shell with a le...
Poha Oats vada is an innovative form of indian appetizer, vada.It is crispy outside and s...
This is a popular spicy mixed vegetable Kolhapuri preparation which is a semi-dry vegetab...
Pua is also known as malpua is an excellent sweet recipe prepared in large quantities on festive and any special occasions to share the good news. Learn the recipe of Pua and Singal by vahchef.
Pua/Malpua is a traditional Bihari (and probably Rajasthani also) dessert that is relished particularly during Holi.
Singal are one of those fried semolina spirals that are part and parcel of Kumaon culture and festivals especially deepawali and Bhaiduj.
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