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Pressed rice payasam or Poha or choora kheer can be prepared very easily and instantly. This poha kheer is scrumptious same as kheer made with rice.
Kheer is also known as rice pudding and is probably the most- preferred pudding in India. Kheer is incredibly delicious sweet and is eaten anytime of the day. Kheer is an extremely easy and simple to make sweet. Kheer is prepared in festivals, temples, and all sorts of special occasions. The word kheer originated from the Sanskrit word Ksheer which implies "milk”. Payasam or payesh originated from the Sanskrit word Payasa or... Read More..
About Recipe
Bellam Bellamu methai, Vellam inippu, Gur Misti |
Kheer is also known as rice pudding and is probably the most- preferred pudding in India. Kheer is incredibly delicious sweet and is eaten anytime of the day. Kheer is an extremely easy and simple to make sweet. Kheer is prepared in festivals, temples, and all sorts of special occasions. The word kheer originated from the Sanskrit word Ksheer which implies "milk”. Payasam or payesh originated from the Sanskrit word Payasa or Payasam, that also indicates "milk". It's prepared using milk, rice, sugar or jaggery, ghee khoya (optional). Some also include a small amount of cream to get a richer flavor. It's often garnished using cashews, raisins, almonds and pistachios. It's an important dish in lots of Hindu feasts and celebrations. As the dish is frequently made with rice, it can also be made with other ingredients, like vermicelli, broken wheat or tapioca.
The term kheer is generally used in Northern India, Nepal and Pakistan. Payasam or Payasa is used in Southern India while in Bengal it is known as payesh. Each region has their own variation of preparing this dish. The secret for making a tasty kheer is continuous stirring and adding the sugar after the rice is soft. Vermicelli or broken wheat or tapioca can also be used for making the Kheer or payasam.
A classic delicious delight to the entire milk products lover, the kheer is a simple to prepare food and tastes the best when it's offered warm or chilled. This sweet need to be made with accuracy, timing and patience as if you do not get it right, the consistency of the sweet would imbalance and the sweetness can be very obvious.
Saritha Devarapalli Posted on Fri Jun 17 2016
very nice. tried it. came out really well.?
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Abhishek ranjan Posted on Sat Nov 14 2015
very nice receipe chef thnks. can u please show us badam kheer..?
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